FAQ Page

Do You Offer a Refund Policy?

Yes we do. You can become a member and browse around, access the bonuses, materials, etc for 30 days and if it’s not right for you then we will give you a full refund.

Can We Re-Sell The Discounted Video Ads and Video SEO You Give As A Bonus?

Heck yea! You can re-sell our services to anyone you want for any price you want. As a member you will get a 50% discount code to use at SoldWithVideo.com and special video seo pricing. You can re-sell or offer video production and video seo services to your clients, mark up the price to whatever you want, and let up fulfill the order. We will send you back everything you need and you can send it to you client, they will never know we exist.

I Learned So Much That I Think This Is Worth More Than The Price You’re Asking…Can I Pay More?

What?! Seriously? No, I don’t want you to pay more but if you feel inclined to pay more you can make a donation to charity in my name. I would rather have the extra money go to charity than to me…seriously.

If This Program Another “Buy Views and Likes” Course?

No way! I show you how to rank video using methods that are safe…meaning your YouTube channel won’t be deleted! Your YouTube channel can be deleted if you buy a ton of views, comments, likes, etc.

Have You Ever Bought Fake View, Likes and Comments?

Yes, I sure have. I like to test everything and that means views, likes, comments, etc. You won’t see it on my main SoldWithVideo YouTube channel because I would never put that channel at risk. But, some of my other channels will have paid views, likes, subscribers, etc on it. I do this to test the effectiveness, and weigh the risk versus reward of doing so. I feel that if I am going to teach and discount certain methods I should test and try them all, good or bad. Overall, 90% of my videos on all my channels never have paid views, likes, comments or subscribers and the ones that do were for testing.

Brandon, How Did You Become So Awesome?

I went to school for it. I got my BA in Awesomeness. Just kidding, I was born that way :)

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